
Feel like you belong

Traditional Networking was NOTworking

We made it more human

Foster relationships beyond the transaction

Connect again

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Meet whoggga

Networking Done Different

We are exclusive for business owners.

Because you have been seeking that feeling of belonging to a tribe of entrepreneurs who understand your pains and joys.

We require more than just a credit card to join.

We require all members to go through our vetting process. Our members need to be business owners, or aspiring to become business owners, that are genuine and committed to our 3G philosophy.  Those meeting those criteria are vetted through our community because we believe in the community having a voice in its growth.

We’re a 24/7 365 community.

Your business doesn’t run once a week or once a month and neither should your networking community. Connect anytime, anywhere with your community on our whogggApp

You are responsible for your ROI. 

We don’t babysit or track how you whoggga. When you can attend, who you meet with, and who you do business with is your responsibility. We call it ROI – return on inclusion.

We also don’t send emails! Our app is a one-stop shop for all whoggga communication.

We believe that technology should not replace but instead enhance your ability to connect. In whoggga we strive to integrate ideas that support technology and nature.

Gather, give, gratify: Help your business prosper with our 3G Philosophy 

We bring our members together in person, and on our app to gather, give, and gratify around a structured monthly theme.

You’re busy, you don’t need another committee.

You can get involved with whoggga by hosting your own gathering on your own terms, or attend the gatherings we curate for you.

Enjoy networking again and spend time with people who share your values

That negative feeling about networking you are probably feeling is called Networking FATIGUE.  It’s a real thing. We get it.  That’s why whoggga is here.

We call that commission breath. Have a breath mint.

whogggis are vetted business owners that put believe that success comes from putting clients ahead of products.

Come as you are, be who you are.

Just be you, everyone else is taken. Drop the masks, skip the charades, and come open to build authentic relationships.

Help your business prosper with our

3G Philosophy

We bring our members together in person, and virtually on our app to gather, give, and gratify.

We encourage every member to embrace opportunities to Give, Gather, and Gratify on a daily basis, harnessing the full potential of the whoggga community.


Gather with fellow business owners at community or member gatherings.


Give advice, recommendations, business referrals, support​.


Gratify by giving back to your personal and professional community.

The whoggga way to network

Nook Gatherings

Foster connection and personal growth in consistent, twice monthly nooks with vetted business owners.

Community Socials

Host socials to allow fellow whogggis to enjoy what you enjoy. Get to know fellow whogggis where you feel yourself.

Experience Gatherings

Nothing traditional about our experiences! Attend cooking classes, go hiking, see a comedy show, and more.

Member Gatherings

Showcase our whoggga community to the trusted business owners in your sphere of influence.

Connect Anytime, Anywhere with your community

What makes a whogggi?

Be Genuine

Are you genuinely yourself, everywhere you go? Is your word trustworthy? Are you who you say you are?


No charades, just be yourself, everyone else is taken.

Business Owner

Are you a business owner? Being a business owner is more than a job title, it’s also a mindset.

We are committed to ensuring all our members are on the entrepreneurial path to ensure all our members share similar experiences.

3G Committed

You are ready to commit to implement the 3G Philosophy of Gather, Give, Gratify into your daily life personally and professionally.

You are in control of your ROI, so are you ready to spend time gathering, giving, and gratifying?



$ 350 /month
  • whogggApp Access
  • Member Directory of Vetted Business Owners
  • Live Member Socials
  • Live Community Socials
  • Live Nook Gatherings
  • Live Experience Gatherings


$ 200 /month
  • whogggApp Access
  • Member Directory of Vetted Business Owners
  • Live Member Socials
  • Live Community Socials


$ 100 /Month
  • whogggApp Access
  • Member Directory of Vetted Business Owners
  • Virtual Member Socials
  • Virtual Community Socials
  • Virtual Nook Gatherings
  • Virtual Experience Gatherings

whogggi testimonials

Ready to experience
networking done different?